Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aunt Jen Cleans House

Since starting back to work full time, Aunt Jen has instilled a new method of cleaning house and mopping the floors. Just kidding, Jen!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Nathanael started go down the stairs on his own a little over a month ago. He was well-taught by his big brother and Ga. cousins. I remember when my brother, Byron, used to do this. I rarely have to use the gates anymore! Yippee....can you here him say, "whoa!"?

Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Nathanael up to?

This little guy loves to climb! He has a few new tricks this month - going down the stairs (fast), climbing on chairs and crawling over toys. These pictures make me crack up!

Five Parties for the 5 Year Old

Zachariah celebrated his 5th birthday on January 2nd. Actually, he started celebrating a month earlier while in Mississippi with his Grandparents (party #1). Then, he opened presents and had cake with his cousins and Uncle Byron who celebrate a near same birthday (party #2). Mommy and Daddy took him to O'Charlie's, too, where he loves to eat Cheetios. (party #3-not pictured) He also had a party at Preschool (Party #4) and the grand finale, nearly 2 months later was a Chuck E Cheese with friends (party #5). Whew....I hope we do not have to do that again for another year! Happy Birthday Zman!!!!